EzGreen Mobile Application

Bringing people together over the shared love for sustainable living

As concerns about global warming rises, the urge for a sustainable way of living grows among everyone. To encourage this, my team and I were tasked by a pair of entrepreneurs to create a platform that would bring like-minded individuals together and learn how better they can protect the only Earth we have.

My Role

Time Frame

UI Designer

Jan 2023 - Feb 2023

Skills Used


Prototyping SiteMapping Research

1 UI Designer 1 UX Designer


There is no social platform for sustainable living.

Despite the existence of many social media platforms within reach, there has not been one that is made for people only to talk and share about sustainability. This causes people to have difficulty in finding friends with the same cause, feel lonely in their efforts and don’t feel appreciated for what they are trying to do. Having social media platforms with many different types of content does not help push people to make responsible choices.


Create a shared platform meant just for sustainable living and for the people in the cause to share their stories.

The Planning

We started by understanding what kind of application our clients are looking for. After reading through the concept materials and presentations made by them, we have concluded that the main focus of the application is to enable pro-green living individuals to express their efforts on how they live such a lifestyle daily and encourage each other to improve their ways of living and have fun doing so. Therefore, the application must be designed to make this happen. Other goals were also outlined.



Users must be able to share their lives to people and look at how others live sustainably.


Users will be able to join talks by professionals, see potential jobs, item sales and have discussions.


The clients would like a gamification feature that will enable the user to have fun.

After confirming the goals with the team, we began to map out what is required on every page and what action would happen on it. This aided us greatly in understanding each step of the future application and iron out any inconsistency.

Ideation & Site-mapping

One of the sitemaps when ideating.

Design Stage

Inspirations were gathered and placed in the sitemap, deep diving into user personas created beforehand to understand their needs better, and much more. All of that helped build and solidify the concept and experience we would like to create.

Ideation & Low-Fi Design

We came up with a style guide to guide us on how the application would be designed.

Design Colours & Style Guide

We derived the main green colour from the logo designed by the clients. The main images used in the application will follow the nature team to enhance the sustainability concept.

The client wishes to implement a swipe-like motion for the homepage where the user views posts from his friends, imagining a more interesting and fun experience. Therefore, I designed a card-swipe design to fit the client’s requests. The client is pleased with the design.

‘Swipe’ motion, Card-Design

Final Mock-Up

Homepage, where people connect

Users will be able to view other people’s posts about their green lifestyle and to see the next post, they will swipe the screen to see the next card.

On this page, the user can look through content made by other users. Certain content found here are potential jobs, item sales, and discussions about interesting topics.

Discover, where people talk

Users can check out and join community events hosted by the community on the Events Page. They would also be able to create their events and invite people to participate. To summarise, this would be an enriching space where individuals eager to learn and live a better, greener lifestyle would enjoy being part of it.

Events, where people learn

Other pages


This project is one of those projects that involves many stages with a short timeline. It was tricky to complete it with the tight schedule, but through that, I have gained a better understanding of how important each process is and quickly act upon it. Working together with a UX designer has also taught me the process of User Experience, which I truly appreciate. The application still has a lot of space for improvement, but that will be saved for the future.